Long Valley, NJ, Peony Subscription

Long Valley, NJ, Peony Subscription


A bunch of 10 fresh peonies, straight from our farm, for pick-up three consecutive Wednesday afternoons in Long Valley, NJ. The season usually starts last week of May or first week of June. Mother Nature will decide.

Pick-up at: The farm, Long Valley Peonies, 227 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ 07853. Up the long gravel driveway. (Added by popular demand!)

On 3 consecutive Wednesdays, between 2:00pm - 6:00pm. The earlier the better, especially if it is a hot day.

You will be notified of the first pick-up date via Mail Chimp. Please look in promotions and please do not unsubscribe from email notifications. (We won’t bother you out of season.)

Please sign out your bunch(es), 1 for each subscription, per week. Take 2 floral preservative packs per bunch, follow packet instructions. Please see “Cut Peony Care” on our website and be sure to check the water level daily, peonies are very thirsty flowers, especially when first cut. www.longvalleypeonies.com

The great advantage to subscribing is that we hold the peonies for you, so you are sure to have three weeks of peonies. Peonies are available at the farmstand at a lower price, only for the duration of the season, which could be as short as 7 to 10 days, depending on the weather. Farmstand accepts only cash, Venmo and PayPal, but NO credit cards. ($2 fee on Venmo/PayPal per transaction.)

Thank you for your order. Enjoy your peonies!

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