Mountain Lakes, NJ, Peony Subscription

Mountain Lakes, NJ, Peony Subscription


A bunch of 10 fresh peonies, straight from our farm, for pick-up three consecutive Thursday afternoons in Mountain Lakes, NJ. The first pick-up is Thursday, May 30th.

Pick-up at: 21 Larchdell Way, Mountain Lakes, NJ 07046

On 3 consecutive Thursdays, between 3:30pm - 6:00pm. The earlier the better, especially if it is a hot day. Thursdays: May 30, June 6 & 13.

First pick-up date is May 30th. Reminders will be emailed via Mail Chimp. Please do not unsubscribe from email notifications. (We won’t bother you out of season.)

Please sign out your bunch(es), 1 for each subscription, per week. Take 2 floral preservative packs per bunch, follow packet instructions. Please see “Cut Peony Care” on our website and be sure to check the water level daily, peonies are very thirsty flowers, especially when first cut.

Aside from receiving the peonies to your area, another great advantage to subscribing is that we hold the peonies for you, so you are sure to have three weeks of peonies, even if the season is only a week or two long.

Thank you for your order. Enjoy your peonies!

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